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domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014


  Leonardo Di Caprio talks about when the Titanic hit the iceberg and heard the engineer speak five buoyancy compartments were compromised: THAT'S NOT GOOD!
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  As a woman of 15 feet tall bear blood pressure in your legs, would pump blood to your head or could crouch without exploding? To get an idea of comparison, the giraffe has the superfine legs constricted blood vessels (can not stand the new AO and I refuse to write contrite, ok?) And when she lowers her head, all blood vessels are "locked" to not blow your mind and opens up a blood sponge to irrigate the brain. And in the case of the Giraffe she has "only" 5 feet tall, equivalent in water at atmospheric pressure that would be half of 50 000 Newtons per square foot. In the case of the giant woman she could not even take a Coke through a straw as atmospheric pressure could only raise a column of water 10 meters and 15 meters ever. And suppose that the veins of them were not suitable for the 15 "alleged" meters, which would in fact be varicose veins exploding and blood everywhere. rsrsrrsrsrsrsrrsrrs

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Prof. Sergio Torres

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