Born 27 Aug 1915; died 4 Nov 2011 at age 96.
Norman Foster Ramsey was an American physicist who shared (with Wolfgang Paul and Hans Georg Dehmelt) the 1989 Nobel Prize for Physics in 1989 for “for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks.”
His work produced a more precise way to observe the transitions within an atom switching from one specific energy level to another. In the cesium atomic clock, his method enables observing the transitions between two very closely spaced levels (hyperfine levels).
The accuracy of such a clock is about one part in ten thousand billion. In 1967, one second was defined as the time during which the cesium atom makes exactly 9,192,631,770 oscillations.
Prof. Sérgio Torres
Bate-papo e curso sobre física, matemática, músicas e filmes
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- 08-27-2014 is Norman Foster Ramsey's aniversary
- Por que ele(a) não procurou ajuda? Quem tem depres...
- What is worst: cancer or depression?
- Ter depressão é pior do que ter câncer?
- The electric kiss
- Dia dos Pais
- Charles Augustin de Coulomb
- Charles Augustin Coulomb
- Joseph Priestley (Unification of Physics - dream o...
- Joseph Priestley (Unificação da Física - sonho de ...
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quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014
sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014
quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2014
Por que ele(a) não procurou ajuda? Quem tem depressão tem culpa?
Uma das frases muito comum de ouvir das pessoas normais quando um parente ou um amigo comete o suicídio é: Por que ele não procurou ajuda?
Examinando os fatos mais de perto com uma lente de aumento não necessariamente grande vemos que seu parente ou amigo teve acessos de agressividade sem causas, se isolou sem nenhuma causa aparente, procurou consolo na bebida, consultou-se com médicos, tomou medicamentos, tomou drogas, internou-se numa clínica de reabilitação, chorava constantemente e mesmo quando ele mencionou a palavra suicídio as pessoas normais não deram a devida atenção.
Agora elas ainda têm a coragem de perguntar: por que ele não procurou ajuda?
É comum ele ter procurado ajuda e quando esta foi recusada ele ter ficado recluso e com vergonha de ter essa terrível doença que é a depressão. Ele deu todas as pistas. Apenas as pessoas não enxergavam porque é difícil de enxergar e muitas vezes culpam a pessoa depressiva pela sua própria depressão.
É irônico, pois uma pessoa que tem essa terrível doença da depressão ainda tenha que lidar com a culpa de tê-la.
Todo mundo entende que uma pessoa não tem culpa de ter um câncer terminal, de ter um infarte fulminante, não tem culpa de ter um AVC, que são doenças de fácil compreensão.
Quando se trata do cérebro onde uma doença terrível e terminal, chamada depressão, o assola e o doente chega ao estágio terminal todos se assustam e se perguntam o que deu nele para cometer o suicídio. ELE POSSUÍA UMA DOENÇA TERMINAL CHAMADA DEPRESSÃO. Não foram problemas financeiros, todos nós temos, não foi a morte de um parente, todos morrem, não os problemas da vida, todos nós temos, foi uma doença terminal pior que um câncer, que um infarto ou que um AVC. Foi uma doença que quem possui tem ainda vergonha de ter e quando pede ajuda, geralmente é negligenciada e quando comete suicídio, parte terminal da doença, além de já ser tarde demais as pessoas ainda tem a coragem de se perguntar e o julgar "por que ele não pediu ajuda?"
Chego até a considerar a pessoa que tem depressão como um herói, pois após as primeiras recusas de ajuda e saber do fato de ser um peso que é para parentes, amigos além da culpa que sente por possuir essa doença terminal e incurável, ele se afasta, ele para de incomodar, sofre dores terríveis causadas pelo isolamento em silêncio e apenas tem um conforto de todo seu tormento: não estar mais aqui após cometer o suicídio, pois seria ainda mais terrível ter que escutar as pessoas falando: por que ele não procurou ajuda? Não sabia que era tão grave! etc etc etc.
Apenas como uma forma de dirimir a culpa de não ter feito o papel que uma pessoa da família ou um amigo tem, ou seja, ajudar quando alguém possui uma doença terminal.
A pessoa com a doença terminal da depressão não tem como superar sua condição e necessita de cuidados pela vida toda. Mas, quem tem tempo para isso?
Não culpo as pessoas normais como se elas fossem assassinas ou relapsas, pois não são nem uma coisa nem outra.
Apenas constatem um fato: uma pessoa com a condição de depressão terminal não tem culpa de ter essa terrível doença.
Portanto, se um amigo ou parente é agressivo sem motivo, se ele se isola, se ele bebe muito ou se droga. As pessoas normais não devem taxar esse doente terminal de agressivo, bêbado, de não ter amigos.
Devem procurar a raiz do problema e vão chegar a uma doença terrível, terminal, que afasta os amigos e parentes e faz o que nenhuma doença faz, tornar a vida insuportável. Constantemente insuportável.
Então, o suicídio é uma fase natural dessa doença que é a pior de todas as doenças, pois, o doente terminal, além de carregar um sofrimento durante toda a existência, ainda tem que conviver com a culpa de ter essa doença terminal.
A pessoa que tem a doença terminal da depressão não tem culpa de ter essa doença terrível, como qualquer pessoa não tem culpa de um acidente fatal, de um AVC ou de um câncer.
Como um exemplo óbvio temos o caso de Philip Seymour Hoffman que procurou ajuda, que se internou para se reabilitar e quando cometeu o suicídio veja o comentário de Margaret Wente:
Like everybody else, I was shocked when Philip Seymour Hoffman died. I adored him. “What a tragedy,” I told my husband.“What an asshole,” he replied.
I knew I was supposed to feel sorry for him. He had struggled with his demons and lost. But the circumstances of his death were particularly degrading. He died in his underwear, surrounded by empty bags of heroin, a needle in his arm. A great talent had become a pathetic junkie.
Ela mencionou as palavras "patético" e "asshole" para um paciente terminal.
É muito irônico, trágico e terrível que Philip Seynmour nem pôde ter a chance de afirmnar: "patética e "asshole" é a senhora!!"
Forte abraço,
Sérgio Torres
terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014
What is worst: cancer or depression?
Robin Williams died at 63 years because of depression. British actress Maggie Smith, now 79, had cancer during the filming of the Harry Potter saga (she plays the role of Professor Minerva McGonagall) and his scenes in "Half-Blood Prince" wearing a wig.
What is the difference between these two diseases?
The first-ever thinks that is treatable and the second is considered a death sentence.
Who has the first drink is considered to be a drunk and not a patient and who has the second drinking is understood.
Who has the first is ashamed of asking for help, especially when you have a recurrence, thinking it's a matter of weakness of character, and while those who have the second usually has full support of the family, especially a during a recurrence
The first is most often confused with the personality of the person (ironically no one was more contagious and a happy person than Robin Williams) and is commonly abandoned the family. While in the second, the family is proud to help and tell all the relatives to give support.
So between depression and cancer, particularly, I prefer cancer.
What's worse: suffering from depression and die abandoned by family and being labeled an alcoholic or dying from cancer, surrounded by family members who understand you and love you?
big hug
Sergio Torres
Archidy Trigueiro de Noronha, I completely understand everything you said. The family blames the drinking as the beverage was a cause and not an effect. My father used to say a drunk guy, can be drunk and sick. One does not exclude the other. Family is much easier to blame saying he is a drunk than to support as would if the relative had cancer, suffered a heart attack or stroke. I would trade all that my suffering that has lasted 40 years for any cancer, either. Well, you can not enjoy life being mentally ill. Take the example of Steve Jobs, he had a terrible cancer, but not had depression. What happened? By the end he enjoyed life, died surrounded by family and even mentioned the time that death was coming. Ie, enjoyed every minute of life. Depression is a terrible disease that alienates relatives, then you're alone, what worsens your condition, you die alone and do not enjoy the time that you're alive. It is a devastating disease depression, I would trade for any cancer, for me diseases like this is a joke compared with depression. You die from cancer but you live in death if you have depression . Take the example of Steven Hawking, the guy does not move for almost 40 years but has the ill of depression and plays with life and is a fan of the show TBBT. My father spent six years with terminal cancer, but had no depression, you know what he did? threw a party celebrating the wonderful life he had and took his leave in the lives of friends, who were many. Take the case of those who have the disease of depression, has no life, no friends and simply the greatest happiness you can have in life is a diagnosis of a terminal disease because know that suffering will end. Many say, but everyone suffers. I can not agree more with that statement in gender and number grade. But normal people do not "only" suffer. That healthy people do not understand. That suffering is part of life, this is normal. What is not normal is to suffer for all your life being okay around. Those who have not this disease do not feel on the skin, like pepper in the eyes of others. Live life in agony and still have to pretend to everyone that you are a normal person is worst than any disease that is burden more than anyone . And there's no way to get rid of this disease although there are highly evolved medicines today but not heal. Take the case of Robin Williams, with all the money in the world people said it was experiencing financial problems. It is obvious to normal people from whom it has to have a reason for a person commit suicide not only have this terrible disease to do so. If he were a normal person , he would work in any other branch and be happy, because going through difficulties is part of life and is no reason for or grounds for suicide. Only a person with this terminal condition commits suicide.
What is the difference between these two diseases?
The first-ever thinks that is treatable and the second is considered a death sentence.
Who has the first drink is considered to be a drunk and not a patient and who has the second drinking is understood.
Who has the first is ashamed of asking for help, especially when you have a recurrence, thinking it's a matter of weakness of character, and while those who have the second usually has full support of the family, especially a during a recurrence
The first is most often confused with the personality of the person (ironically no one was more contagious and a happy person than Robin Williams) and is commonly abandoned the family. While in the second, the family is proud to help and tell all the relatives to give support.
So between depression and cancer, particularly, I prefer cancer.
What's worse: suffering from depression and die abandoned by family and being labeled an alcoholic or dying from cancer, surrounded by family members who understand you and love you?
big hug
Sergio Torres
Archidy Trigueiro de Noronha, I completely understand everything you said. The family blames the drinking as the beverage was a cause and not an effect. My father used to say a drunk guy, can be drunk and sick. One does not exclude the other. Family is much easier to blame saying he is a drunk than to support as would if the relative had cancer, suffered a heart attack or stroke. I would trade all that my suffering that has lasted 40 years for any cancer, either. Well, you can not enjoy life being mentally ill. Take the example of Steve Jobs, he had a terrible cancer, but not had depression. What happened? By the end he enjoyed life, died surrounded by family and even mentioned the time that death was coming. Ie, enjoyed every minute of life. Depression is a terrible disease that alienates relatives, then you're alone, what worsens your condition, you die alone and do not enjoy the time that you're alive. It is a devastating disease depression, I would trade for any cancer, for me diseases like this is a joke compared with depression. You die from cancer but you live in death if you have depression . Take the example of Steven Hawking, the guy does not move for almost 40 years but has the ill of depression and plays with life and is a fan of the show TBBT. My father spent six years with terminal cancer, but had no depression, you know what he did? threw a party celebrating the wonderful life he had and took his leave in the lives of friends, who were many. Take the case of those who have the disease of depression, has no life, no friends and simply the greatest happiness you can have in life is a diagnosis of a terminal disease because know that suffering will end. Many say, but everyone suffers. I can not agree more with that statement in gender and number grade. But normal people do not "only" suffer. That healthy people do not understand. That suffering is part of life, this is normal. What is not normal is to suffer for all your life being okay around. Those who have not this disease do not feel on the skin, like pepper in the eyes of others. Live life in agony and still have to pretend to everyone that you are a normal person is worst than any disease that is burden more than anyone . And there's no way to get rid of this disease although there are highly evolved medicines today but not heal. Take the case of Robin Williams, with all the money in the world people said it was experiencing financial problems. It is obvious to normal people from whom it has to have a reason for a person commit suicide not only have this terrible disease to do so. If he were a normal person , he would work in any other branch and be happy, because going through difficulties is part of life and is no reason for or grounds for suicide. Only a person with this terminal condition commits suicide.
Ter depressão é pior do que ter câncer?
Robin Williams morreu com 63 anos por causa da depressão. A atriz britânica Maggie Smith, hoje com 79 anos, teve câncer durante as filmagens da saga de Harry Potter (ela faz o papel da Professora Minerva McGonagall) e suas cenas em "Enigma do Príncipe" usando uma peruca.
Qual a diferença entre essas duas doenças?
A primeira acha-se sempre que é tratável e a segunda é considerada uma sentença de morte.
Quem possui a primeira se beber é considerado um bêbado e não um doente e quem tem a segunda se beber é compreendido.
Quem possui a primeira tem vergonha de pedir socorro, principalmente quando tem uma recaída, achando que é uma questão de fraqueza de caráter e enquanto quem tem a segunda normalmente tem total apoio da família, principalmente numa recaída.
A primeira é na maioria das vezes confundida com a personalidade da pessoa (ironicamente não existia pessoa mais contagiante e feliz do que Robin Williams) e é comum ser abandonada pela família. Enquanto, na segunda, a família se orgulha de ajudar e dizer a todos os parentes que deem apoio.
Portanto, entre depressão e câncer, particularmente, eu prefiro câncer.
Então, o que é pior: sofrer de depressão e morrer abandonado pela família e ser tachado de alcoólatra ou morrer de câncer, cercados por familiares que compreendem e amam você?
domingo, 10 de agosto de 2014
The electric kiss
As one famous historian, in Europe, for the rich, "the eighteenth century was a time of refined elegance and pleasant life"; gave it little importance to religious principles; the nobles were dressed to the nines, wore wigs, lace and velvet clothes and lived in luxurious houses, where everything was done with the concern to please and impress guests, especially the most important people.
What mattered was the look and especially keep up with fashion.
In this environment, the demand for new attractions and was very large and, between them, electrical phenomena were great success - one of the fads of the time was the electric shock! In Paris, the priest Jean-Antoine Nollet (1700-1777), French physicist goer court received dozens of people in your household willing to try the "delicious" feeling of an electric shock.
There were demonstrations demanding fanciful productions. In one, a person lying - sometimes a child - attached by insulating silk, was suspended to the ceiling of a darkened room, and touching the feet in a electrostatic machine, sparks loosened fingers. In another, people placed themselves in a row and holding hands, received a shock when the first one played Electrostatic machine.
O priest Nollet, that way, did an entire company of the royal guard jump while before King Louis XV.
This type of demonstration, based on the discovery that the human body is a good conductor of electricity and ignorance of the serious risks that it offered, combined with a libertine bourgeoisie, led another successful season - the electric kiss: a young woman was placed on an insulating platform, playing an electrostatic machine, inviting other young people to experience the taste of your lips electrifying ...
# sergiorbtorres
Prof. Sergio Torres
"Join Group Physics is too" - only 489.00 monthly real you are entitled to all the handouts of thousands of unresolved issues and CLASSES 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK THROUGH SKYPE, everything directly with the teacher.
SKYPE Download the app and add your teacher on (fisicaseculo21) arrange a time to take private lessons and get your questions answered - not accrue questions and not leave it to the last minute - visit the channel and get access directly with your teacher.
The first step is to open the physics group and from this obtain all relevant information:
Dia dos Pais
O dia dos pais no Brasil é comemorado no segundo domingo de agosto. Isso faz com que haja uma variação na mesma, caindo em dias diferentes.
A história mais conhecida em comemoração ao dia dos pais é a de William
Jackson Smart, um ex-combatente da guerra civil que perdeu sua esposa
quando os seis filhos eram ainda bem pequenos, criando-os sozinho. Sua
filha Sonora Smart resolveu homenageá-lo, no ano de 1909, em razão da
admiração que sentia, por este ter dedicado sua vida aos filhos e ter
conseguido criá-los muito bem. A data escolhida foi a de nascimento de
Willian, dezenove de junho.
Aos poucos a data passou a ser difundida a outras famílias da cidade
onde moravam, no estado de Washington, sendo espalhada por todo país,
até que o presidente Richard Nixon tornou-a oficial.
Porém, o primeiro registro de homenagem a um pai surgiu na antiga
Babilônia, há mais de quatro mil anos, onde um jovem modelou e esculpiu
um cartão para seu pai, desejando sorte, saúde e muitos anos de vida.
Nos Estados Unidos a data ficou estabelecida para ser comemorada no
terceiro domingo de junho, assim como África do Sul, México, Canadá,
França, Turquia, Venezuela, dentre outros. Na Austrália e Nova Zelândia a
comemoração acontece no primeiro domingo de setembro; na Rússia, no dia
vinte e três de fevereiro; na Tailândia, no dia cinco de dezembro; e na
Itália, no dia 19 de março, dia de São José.
A data passou a ser comemorada no Brasil a partir de 1953. Várias
entidades da imprensa se juntaram a fim de promover um concurso onde
homenageariam três tipos de pais: o pai com maior número de filhos, o
pai mais jovem e o pai mais velho. Os vencedores foram um pai com trinta
e um filhos, um pai de 16 anos e um pai com 98 anos.
Ao se tornar pai, o homem passa a ter responsabilidades com seus
filhos, devendo sustentá-los de forma digna, dar-lhes atenção, amor,
carinho e proteção.
Segundo a Constituição Federal do Brasil, de 1988, o pai tem direito a
cinco dias de licença após o nascimento de seus filhos, onde terá tempo
para auxiliar a mãe do recém-nascido e fazer o registro do mesmo, em
O sucesso da comemoração dessa data é muito grande, movimentando
bastante o comércio, pois os filhos oferecem presentes aos seus
progenitores. Neste dia, os pais recebem atenção e carinho, tornando a
data um dia diferente e muito especial para todos.
Jussara de Barros
(Fonte brasilescola)
Charles Augustin de Coulomb
Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806), físico francês, pertencia à alta aristocracia. Engenheiro militar, foi desligado do exército em 1791 e, durante a Revolução Francesa, foi obrigado a refugiar-se fora de Paris.
Seus primeiros trabalhos em física estavam voltados ainda à engenharia e à mecânica. Coulomb escreveu o livro A teoria das máquinas simples, que lhe garantiu o ingresso na Academia de Ciências da França, e estabeleceu a lei que relaciona o atrito à força normal e às superfícies em contato.
A sua contribuição mais notável à física, no entanto, está ligada à eletricidade. Em 1784, Coulomb iniciou uma série de cuidadosos experimentos utilizando uma balança especial, muito sensível (veja a figura ao lado) para descobrir a relação entre a força de interação entre corpos carregados eletricamente, a carga contida em cada um
e a distância entre eles, chegando à expressão F = k q1.q2/d²
Como Priestley havia previsto, a expressão da Lei de Coulomb é exatamente a mesma da Lei da Gravitação Universal, de Newton. Os físicos estão convencidos de que essa semelhança não é mera coincidência, porém a relação entre essas leis ainda não foi estabelecida.
Embora Coulomb não tenha sido o primeiro a propor essa lei, ela tem o seu nome porque foi ele quem conseguiu comprová-la, aliás com extraordinária habilidade e precisão.
Forte abraço,
Prof. Sérgio Torres
"Participar do Grupo de Física é demais " – apenas 1.144,00 reais mensais você tem direito a todas as apostilas com milhares de questões resolvidas e AULAS 24 HORAS POR DIA 7 DIAS POR SEMANA ATRAVÉS DO SKYPE, tudo diretamente com o professor.
Baixe o aplicativo SKYPE e inclua seu professor em (fisicaseculo21) organize um horário para ter aulas particulares e tirar suas dúvidas – Não acumule dúvidas e não deixe para a última hora – acesse o canal e tenha acesso diretamente com seu professor.
O primeiro passo é entrar o grupo aberto de física e a partir deste obter todas as informações pertinentes:
Charles Augustin Coulomb
Charles Augustin Coulomb (1736-1806), French physicist, belonged to the high aristocracy. Military engineer, was disconnected from the army in 1791 and, during the French Revolution, was forced to take refuge outside Paris.
His early work in physics were still geared to engineering and mechanics. Coulomb wrote the book The theory of simple machines, which earned him entry into the Academy of Sciences of France, and established the law that relates the friction force and the normal to the surfaces in contact.
His most notable contribution to physics, however, is connected to electricity. In 1784, Coulomb began a series of careful experiments using a special, very sensitive balance (see illustration) to discover the relationship between the strength of interaction between electrically charged bodies, the charge contained in each
and the distance between them, reaching the expression F=kq1.q2/d²
As Priestley had predicted, the expression of Coulomb's law is exactly the same as the Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation . Physicists are convinced that this similarity is not coincidental, but the relationship between these laws has not yet been established.
Although Coulomb has not been the first to propose this law, it got its name because it was he who managed to prove it indeed with extraordinary skill and precision.
# sergiorbtorres
Prof. Sergio Torres
"Join Group Physics is too" - only 489.00 monthly real you are entitled to all the handouts of thousands of unresolved issues and CLASSES 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK THROUGH SKYPE, everything directly with the teacher.
SKYPE Download the app and add your teacher on (fisicaseculo21) arrange a time to take private lessons and get your questions answered - not accrue questions and not leave it to the last minute - visit the channel and get access directly with your teacher.
The first step is to open the physics group and from this obtain all relevant information:
Joseph Priestley (Unification of Physics - dream of any Physicist)
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), English chemist and physicist, was notable for the discovery of many gases, including oxygen, an orphan, had a poor childhood, becoming unionist minister (preached the unity of all Christian churches), the radical ideas both in religion as in politics.
Very intelligent, wrote on various subjects, religious, scientific and political, and knew at least nine languages. He was an amateur, experimental scientist and his interest in electricity emerged from a meeting with Franklin, in London, in 1766.
Franklin asked Priestley to redo an experience that left him very puzzled: an electrostatic pendulum was attracted to a closed container loaded when approached from the outside, but placed inside the container, nothing happened.
Priestley not only confirmed the observation of Franklin as he remembered that, theoretically, this phenomenon also occurred with gravitational forces.
According to the Newtonian gravitational theory, if a body to be placed inside a hollow planet not suffers any gravitational attraction. Priestley concluded with remarkable perception, that the interaction between electric charges due to their bodies should be similar to the interaction due to their masses.
# sergiorbtorres
Prof. Sergio Torres
"Join Group Physics is too" - only 489.00 monthly real you are entitled to all the handouts of thousands of unresolved issues and CLASSES 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK THROUGH SKYPE, everything directly with the teacher.
SKYPE Download the app and add your teacher on (fisicaseculo21) arrange a time to take private lessons and get your questions answered - not accrue questions and not leave it to the last minute - visit the channel and get access directly with your teacher.
The first step is to open the physics group and from this obtain all relevant information:
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